Lenovo has reportedly unveiled it's 3000 Y410 NB with multimedia features and an Audio DJ capability that enables users play music when their laptops are turned-off. The notebook weighs around 2.54 kg, and features a 14.1-inch wide-screen, front facing Dolby Home Theater speakers, integrated microphone, integrated Webcam, integrated recordable drive and shuttle center, and the latest edition Audio DJ.
The notebook incorporates a 5-in-1 multi-card reader, three USB ports, IEEE1394 interface for high speed communication between two devices, and Easy Capture that is a multimedia software application for easy photo editing, etc. Powered by Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 processor 1.8Ghz, the notebook features 2GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, and discrete graphic nvidia GeForce Go 8400M GS. It comes pre-loaded with Microsoft Vista Home Basic and the Premium edition, and offers connectivity options including integrated 802.11 a/b/g wireless LAN, 10/100 Ethernet, and Blue tooth. The Y410 has security features such as biometric face recognition technology and one touch recovery, and a battery life of up to 4 hours. The Y410 NBs are available at all Lenovo authorized storefronts with prices starting at Rs 50,000.
The notebook incorporates a 5-in-1 multi-card reader, three USB ports, IEEE1394 interface for high speed communication between two devices, and Easy Capture that is a multimedia software application for easy photo editing, etc. Powered by Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 processor 1.8Ghz, the notebook features 2GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, and discrete graphic nvidia GeForce Go 8400M GS. It comes pre-loaded with Microsoft Vista Home Basic and the Premium edition, and offers connectivity options including integrated 802.11 a/b/g wireless LAN, 10/100 Ethernet, and Blue tooth. The Y410 has security features such as biometric face recognition technology and one touch recovery, and a battery life of up to 4 hours. The Y410 NBs are available at all Lenovo authorized storefronts with prices starting at Rs 50,000.